Block custom clients using channel name

Channels names

Some custom clients send a thing called payload to the server. This payload is identified by a channel name. For example LabyMod sends: LMC (and LABYMOD in some versions).

This plugin already comes with some channel names of known cheats, but you can add your own if you find any.

For example I created a client setting named "VapedCracked" which blocks VapeCracked client based on channel detection.

      enabled-check: true
      description: "VapeCracked"
        enabled-check: true
          CPS_BAN_THIS_NIGGER: true
          L0LIMAHCKER: true
          LOLIMAHCKER: true
          EROUAXWASHERE: true
          EARWAXWASHERE: true
          "#unbanearwax": true
          "194620356vv0": true
          "Created By ": true

How to find custom channel names

If you are using Viaversion and server is 1.13+

To detect the correct channel name you have to use the same server and client version! You need to do that only when testing, to get the correct channel name. Then after you got the channel name you can install Viaversion agan.

In order to check the channel names sent by the player you have to enable this option in config.yml

log-custompayload: true

You will then see something similar in console:

Legit channels

There are some legit channels which are used by vanilla Minecraft. They usually start with MC| or minecraft:

Last updated

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